Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4months and 7 months

I couldn't play either of these videos, but blogger made them work!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I did something I have never remember doing before.. Ate ONLY vegetables for dinner! I just had to share, because it was pretty. It would have been really low calorie except for the olive I made the eggplant in. Oh well it was yummy!
Eggplant Parmesan over Spaghetti Squash with tomatoes, mushrooms, and spinach!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Good Day

I finally pulled the Wii Fit out today. Since I was on it last....45 days ago, I have lost 10lbs. Woot! I did 35 minutes of exercises; mostly yoga and some aerobics. I also did some crunches.
It feels good! I ate out for lunch, but thats OK I should still be able to make my goal for calories for the day. I have not been faithfully writing what I eat...which means I have been eating worse. So its time to start over.

My DH (dear husband) is going out of town for THREE WEEKS in July. This makes us both a little sad and both a little happy. He likes training and the mall right next to his hotel, but is going to miss his family. I am going to miss him terribly and miss the help with Katey, but its very motivating to me! I want to get the house all in order and eat well and lose weight while he is gone! It would be so awesome to lose even 5-6lbs and be that much smaller when he comes home. Not to mention that much closer to my current goal.
With him gone, I will have more time at night after baby bedtime to exercise.
Wish me Luck!

Oh and also we bought webcams so DH and littlebit can see and talk to each other.